Monday, November 30, 2015

Love you all!

Soooo this week has been great. We got to see our investigators (the family) and they are still on date for Dec. 12. PLEASE pray for them! They need the gospel so much. It's seriously the best thing ever. I never realized how grateful I am for it, or how much I love the gospel until I came on a mission. Seriously, it's the best!

Also, We had an amazing miracle! The missionaries around the area I serve in decided to have a movie night and invite people to come watch Meet the Mormons (I highly recommend it! It's awesome) and we didn't think we'd have anyone show up. Because NOONE could come. BUT THEN we prayed really hard and right as we pulled up, a sister in our ward (Sister Pfeil) and her non mormon friend, Shirley, showed up!!! And they loved it. It was such a tender mercy and a miracle. We were so happy!

Anyway, the work rolls on slowly but surely! Love you all! 

Also...we had 3 thanksgiving dinners (plus two thanksgiving lunches!) we were so stuffed, and let me just tell you I am SO grateful for stretchy skirts :P

BUT..I am so grateful for those who fed us. It was such an uplifting day and full of fun memories and people!

Sister Kramer


Hey there lovely family and friends,
Boy this week has been a roller coaster and a huge mess of emotion! I seriously am so excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas, but it's gonna be SO weird not being home with everyone. THEN I also have transfers coming up super soon, and I have NO CLUE what's happening. AND I have such huge mixed emotions about leaving. Cause I totally love this area. Like, so much. Silverdale is so gorgeous and amazing. I love the members and our investigators (no matter how flaky they may be...but I digress) with all my heart and soul and it would kill me to say goodbye. However....getting to see more of the mission would be so awesome and I know that I would have an amazing time wherever I go. So, I have no idea how to feel!

BUT as I have been focusing on Thanksgiving and Christmas, I realized how fitting it is to be able to focus on gratitude right before focusing on the Savior and what He did for us. And I have truly come to be so incredibly grateful for my Savior. Think about it....the most powerful, perfect human being to walk this planet died for US, imperfect as we are. He loved us so much, so perfectly that He suffered for our sins so that we would have a chance to live with our Father and have happiness again. ALSO, He died knowing full well that some would completely reject Him and that not everyone would be saved. How selfless, and how perfect He is. I am so grateful that I know my Savior lives, and that He walks beside us everyday, to wipe our tears, silence our fears, and rejoice when we feel joy and happiness. 

I am also so grateful for my mom, and for all the women who have been an influence in my life. I know I am who I am because of my mother's gentle, guiding hand, and for all she did for me. Both my mom, and all of you wonderful amazing women in my life who have helped me grow and progress and learn. Truly, as Elder Holland (one of the leaders of the church) said in a talk he gave this past October: "No love in mortality comes closer to approximating the pure love of Jesus Christ than the selfless love a devoted mother has for her child." 

I am also grateful for my dad, and for all the men in my life who have also helped me. I am a daddy's girl. My dad was always the one to kill the bugs, chase away the boys, and rescue me from all the scary monsters in my room. I never failed to feel loved and supported by all the men in the church, and I am so grateful for their example of righteous leadership and love. I have seen their example in supporting and honoring their wives and helping provide a safe environment for their children. I know that through my father's example, I have come to know more about my Heavenly Father and His love for us and our relationship to Him.

I am also so grateful for the scriptures. I feel so blessed to have the words of the prophets and feel the peace that comes from studying the words of the Lord and His prophets. I know that the Lord is there for us, always, and that He hears and answers our prayers. Maybe not in the manner or time that we want or expect, but in the way we need. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to share this amazing gospel with others! I love you all. Thank you for your love and support and prayers. I definitely feel and appreciate them! 

Sister Kramer

Sarah at the airport

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