Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Pictures, love, and stories this week!

This week was full of fallen through plans and member homes. We've been really working on trying to get to know all the members in our ward so we've just been going down the list. So that's been fun. I love it. We have just such a wonderful ward. Yesterday, we got to go into the Primary and help the kids practice inviting their friends to church, and when we walked in they were singing a song and oh my goodness. The spirit was sooooo strong! I couldn't believe it. It was incredible. 

We also had a zone conference, where all the missionaries in the Northern part of the mission get together and there are talks by the mission president and his wife. We also had one of the leaders of the Church, his name is Elder Gay, come and speak to us. That was really really cool. So this week was, as I mentioned, full of fallen through plans. We've been trying super hard to get stuff done and get in touch with our investigators but it's been a no go. So....the day before Zone Conference, I felt a little worried that I wasn't really trying hard enough. I wasn't too stressed, so don't worry, but I was just trying to make sure I was giving it my all. I just kept thinking about how the Lord chastises the people He loves (Lehi, the Brother of Jared, etc) so I was trying to figure out if the Lord was telling me I needed to do better, or if it was just my own silly thoughts. So I came to Zone Conference with that question in mind. BUT then Sister Blatter (the mission president's wife) spoke about fear, and I realized that I was afraid. I was afraid that I wasn't measuring up, and not doing enough. I know that fear is not from Heavenly Father, so that answered my prayers! I, of course, need to improve, but the Lord wasn't telling me that I wasn't doing enough. However, He did teach me. I got a lot of promptings on how to do better, but it was in a loving way. I know Heavenly Father hears us, and loves us, and that He will tell us that and guide us. I've seen so many time when He's guided me and helped me on my mission that I just can't deny that! I love this work and the opportunity to be a part of it! 

I also have a quick funny story. The other week while in the Post Office getting stamps, I saw this mom holding two packages and her little boy was trying to get in her arms but she was carrying something. Me, of course, being the baby person I am, crouched down and went to give him a high five....but he decided he wanted a hug! THen he thought it'd be a good idea to try and climb into my lap. I wanted to hold him soooo bad, but I figured I would be obedient. He was adorable, though! Well, family and friends, I love you lots. My prayers and thoughts are always with you. Keep on keeping on! 

Sister Kramer

 This is her big sister, Emma Jean, who calls me "Mister Kramer". I love these little girls. So so sweet!!
 This is the cute hawaiian baby, Leila who I told you about (I think) last week! She's so cute. She was interested in my camera. I kept a good hold on it though!
 Not a very flattering angle of me, but whatever. I'm obviously not in practice in the art of taking selfies anymore :P That's me and sister Trost though! 
 Naval Museum

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