This week was great! It's been rainy and cold, but we're staying warm, so no worries. I love love love it here still and it's so gorgeous.
As for Taylor....please pray for her. She needs the spirit in her life and she wants it. She knows she feels it with us, but she won't make those changes on her own. She won't read or come to church and I know she wants it. That darned agency! So yeah, just pray for her!
But this week, I got to go on exchanges with Sister Belliston, and it was way cool because she is soooo good at testifying about Christ every chance she gets. I noticed that she always testified about Christ, even in little ways. I commented on it and was talking to her about how that's something I've been working on and she told me that the reason why she had gotten good at it was that she hadn't felt like she was getting changed by her mission as much as she wanted to, so she decided to focus on Christ and testify of Him to everyone! And I thought that was really cool. Christ is really what's going to change us. We have incredible experiences as missionaries, but they will pass us by if our we aren't focused on Christ. We can go through the motions and we will see success, but if we focus on Christ then we will be changed. As we focus on Christ, we will realize the true reason we are out here- to invite and help others to come unto Christ- and we will get closer to Him as well. We will have personal experiences with the Atonement, and that is why we will be changed. Christ changes us and makes us better. And that is what we are doing as missionaries...sharing that with everyone! It was really cool to be able to learn from Sister Belliston, as Sister Gunnell and I have really been focusing on teaching and testifying more on doorsteps and changing up door approaches. It was definitely inspired.
Also, on exchanges we listened to the talk "The Missionary Next Door" about member missionary work, and I LOVED IT! Oh my goodness, it is incredible, and I've used it in every single member inspire since. It talks about how we as missionaries are in charge of the spiritual conversion, we just need members to be in charge of the social conversion. Their job is just to invite to come meet us, to come to activities, to be a friend, and we will do the hard part! It made it so simple and easy and I think it's really helped get the work moving a little bit more with the members. The Seabeck ward is really on fire with missionary work. They want so badly to have baptisms and see success, and we've been trying to do member inspires and get them all involved and invite them to just invite people. They are some really fun activities coming up and we've been pushing them to invite people, so we are excited to get the work moving and get it going!
Anyway, love you so much. Hope you have an awesome week!
love, Sister Kramer