Monday, August 22, 2016

13 months? Transfers? STL? This week was crazy!

Well, how do I start this? First, today is my 13 month mark, which is crazy! I can't believe I've been out this long! Also, I'm getting transferred to the Bremerton Zone as a Sister Training Leader! I will be over four sets of Sisters and go on exchanges with them! I really wanted to go to Port Angeles (so I can go to Forks, of course :P) and I also wanted to go back to Silverdale, and I will be over the Silverdale and Port Angeles Sisters so what an answer to prayer!!!! and I already know most of the sisters I'm over so YAYYYY! I am soooo excited. My new companion is Sister Johansen. I know a bit about her, but not much so I'm excited to work with her. I will really really miss sister Pluim, though. She is such a sweetheart and such a fun person and a great teacher. I love her lots. 

So...this week was crazy. We found three new investigators, but none of them were home for their appointments, so that was sad. Also, we saw our investigator Brian, who is homeless, and he was practically having a heart attack but wouldn't let us do anything to help, so we just made sure he got home safe and said a prayer. It was sad! but prayers work miracles, so hopefully he's okay! We also did 10 hours of service, so that was great! We unpacked boxes, organized papers, served food to seniors, and painted a closet. It was was fun. I love service. Anyway, that was really the week. It's been so fun in Oly, but I am definitely so excited to go to Bremerton! My new address is 

love you all soooo much! Thank you for all your prayers, let me tell you....we need them. I love you. Have an awesome week!

Love, Sister Kramer

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Zone activity. I love these sisters!

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EVERYONE has bear statues, so I had to high five one, right? :)

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Some deer skeleton in someone's back yard. Creepy much?

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More Chickens....they're the best to chase :P

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My District (Left-right: Elders Hovey, Bell, Zhou, and Woodbrey, me and Sister Pluim)

Monday, August 1, 2016

I love the little things

1. Fresh Blackberries. Holy smokes! They're EVERYWHERE and it just makes me so happy. We can be knocking and just pick some fresh berries :) I love it!
2. Members and non members who give us water and food and berries! We've gotten fresh produce from a bunch of people and it really makes lunch delicious! 
3. a lady the other day said she wasn't interested but said to take some fresh flowers and vegetables from her stand and so I took a Dahlia, which is one of my favorite flowers since being on a mission!

Even when people slam the door on us or tell us to "rethink our religion" or plans fall through, when we focus on those who are ready to hear the gospel and on all the tender mercies Christ gives us, our joy is "swallowed up in Christ" (Alma 31:38 page 287 in the Book of Mormon) and I love that. When we focus on the good, it makes the bad worth it! 
so this week, we were able to find a couple new investigators, which is exciting! We had a member come knocking with us and we found Christine . She met missionaries before and really wanted to come to church but "lost touch" with the missionaries and never was able to make it. So we gave her the church address and set up a return appointment, and the member who came with us that day wants to come to the return appointment with us! It's perfect. Then we also met this sweet lady with two Autistic kids named Stephen and Justin. They're way sweet and were very open and have friends in the ward, so we are hoping to go back and start teaching them! Then Mariah said she was interested in learning more and we could come back! She's taking lessons with Jehovah's Witnesses, too, so she's open and searching and hopefully we can help her feel the spirit!

I just love this work and I love you guys. Thank you soooo much for your prayers and your love and support. I couldn't do this without you and I find strength from you guys every day. I love you so much! have an amazing week!

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Black berries EVERYWHERE! I love it!

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Did you know donkeys are actually way sweet!? I really like them :)

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Aparently, black birds aren't so sweet....they can be aggressive. Who'd a thought!? I

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I also love horses :) This one really liked me too. He thought I had treats in my purse :P

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My Dahlia and Pluim's Zuchinni that we took from the lady's free stand