So this past week we went to the Walden's (a less active and part member family) and they have chickens all over. So of course, their 9 year old was chasing them and made us hold a bunch of them. one was HUGE! It was, like, 20 pounds! It was fun. It's so great having all these silly animal encounters :P
SO this week has been amazing! the clear impression I had from Conference was to just think of Christ and focus on Him and that's been so helpful this past week. As I've focused on Christ, I've trusted and loved more and I've been so so much happier. It seems so simple, but it was something that's really helped me! I'm so grateful as I've done that. We also have worked a lot harder on focusing on WHY we do things. Not what we do, but why we do the things we do. Why are we obedient? Why do we tract? Why do we teach people. Because we want to get higher numbers than the elders? Because we want to say we did everything? because we have to? NO! Because we want to show the Lord I love Him and because I love these people. And as I've focused on that, it's been such a change for me. I've been happier and loving the work more and more and the weeks have just FLOWN by. It's amazing. I love this work so so much. Hope you all have a fantastic week and know how much I love you guys! Can't believe I'm half way done :/ Where did the time go!? OH! This saturday we get transfer calls. I think I'm leaving. ALSO, that same day we get to go to the temple with Shelby! She's amazing. I love her so much! She bore her testimony yesterday and it was so simple and sweet and I was so proud. It was such an amazing moment! I cried of happiness :)
It's awesome! Okay love you guys!
Love, Sister Kramer
My amazing district, whom we all love so much! We're so tight! Elders Lee, Ivie, Martin, and Benge and Sister Redenbaugh and I :) Love them!
Kelly, our crazy less active who wanted to lock us in her bathroom because she loved us so much. She's hilarious! :)
The 20 Lb Chicken. :)