Tuesday, February 16, 2016

I almost steal a cat...

Hey guys!!!

So....exciting news....GEORGE WANTS TO MEET WITH US AGAIN! I'm so excited :) I can't wait to see him. thanks so much for your prayers and keep praying for him!

We also got to see Gloria this week, and she is stuck in a Catholic rut (we love Catholics, but I want her to accept the Gospel!) BUT she accepted the invitation to read and pray about the Book of Mormon, so please pray that she will do that and will recognize that answer!

Kolton finally got back to us....but he's out of town. So hopefully when he gets back we can set up a time to see him!

OH! And we also met a woman, Kelly, who wears and eye patch, has forgotten a lot of her old memories because of an aneurysm she had a number of years ago, and she loved us so much she wanted to "lock us in her bathroom". Naturally, we went back the next day! ;) we gave her a Book of Mormon and taught her the restoration and she said that SHE would pray and read as well. She had a really cute cat that liked me and she laughed cause she saw me holding it and it apparently looked like I was going to steal it :P She's funny! 

SO the Lord is opening up the way for us. I am so happy to be serving Him and am so excited to see what this coming week will bring! I hope you all had a fabulous Valentine's day and know how much I love you all! And how much Heavenly Father loves you all! You are awesome. Have a great week!!

Sister Kramer

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

I almost hit a peacock...

Seriously, I was driving down the road this morning and a peacock just CAME OUT OF NOWHERE! Like, a live peacock! Luckily, I slammed on the breaks and he ran out of my way. I was glad I didn't hit him.

there's so much wild life and animals here. Goats, horses, sheep, cows....peacocks, apparently, ducks, seagulls and EAGLES! I've seen so many eagles and it's SO PRETTY!!!!

Okay, but now onto the serious part....

This week was really good and bad.

First, we went street contacting and found this girl named Courtney. She was standing with another guy by a tuck with a whole bunch of stuff in the trunk, so we told her who we were and asked if she needed help. She said no, that she had just got out of rehab and that she was just moving back. She told us her story and told us how she was trying to change her life. She was so positive, though, and kept saying how God had helped her and supported her through everything she was going through. We asked if she wanted to learn more about the church and she said yes! so we exchanged numbers and set up a time to give her a tour of the church and walked away wide eyed and so happy!

Then two days later, street contacting in the same spot, we met a homeless guy named Walter who accepted a Book of Mormon and also set up a time for a church tour and said that eh felt that maybe this was the chance he'd been looking for to change his life. Once again, we were extatic!

We also got a referral for this guy named Mike and when we went to his house to check on him, his 13 year old son, Kolton, answered the door and said he also wanted to learn more!!! AND we taught him the restoration and he said that it "made sense"! 

Then things started going downhill.

George, our other investigator, called us and said that he felt we were being pushy and that we were young and inexperienced and didn't understand that the "spirit works in it's own way and time" and that he wanted to cancel our appointment that day and that he wanted to call us in two weeks after studying and praying and reading. Luckily, he didn't drop completely, so keep praying that he will recognize the answer that the Book of Mormon is true!

Then Courtney cancelled on us twice, Walter never showed up and he has no phone for us to contact him, and Kolton never set an actual day for us to come back over and teach him, also Gloria (our other investigator from a week or two ago) cancelled on us as well.

BUT the cool thing is that Heavenly Father has been so good in comforting me and reminding me about agency. I've been doing my best and working hard, and that is all I can do! If I never see a baptism, if I am my only convert....then that's okay. I know I did my best. I'm so grateful that Heavenly Father saw fit to trust me and to love me. I am so grateful for that love and I'm so excited to see what this week will bring! I love you all!!! Please keep praying for them! They need this gospel and what it can do for them!!!

love you all!
Sister Kramer